Ministry Boost FREE Online training 
EVENT For NextGen Ministry Leaders

This free online training for leaders in children's, youth, and family ministry is available for replay.


Six sessions where you'll hear helpful content related to topics that are foundational to your ministry

Empowering Volunteers to Lead Like Staff with Kenny Conley

In this session, Kenny will share how he recruited and empowered volunteers to take on a role leading other volunteers…  in a fairly short time. You'll learn how you can do the same in your ministry.

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5 Barriers to Volunteer Recruitment with Nick Blevins

Recruiting volunteers is hard enough. It's even harder when there are hidden things working against your recruitment. Nick will share 5 barriers and how you can overcome them as you look to build your team.

A Prioritized Approach to Partnering With Parents with Cindy Fiala

Cindy Fiala is passionate about family ministry and creating a strong partnership with parents. You'll learn the key elements in a strategy to partner with parents and how to prioritize them.

Creating a Culture of Students Serving with Shane Sanchez

Students in middle and high school are in the process of learning to own their own faith. Few things can help their spiritual development more than inviting them to serve. Shane will talk about how a culture of students serving helps students and can help your children's ministry.

Aligning Your NextGen Team with Kevin Monahan

How can preschool, elementary, middle school, high school, and young adult ministries work together as ONE team? Kevin will share a road map for how any team can become aligned, whether the staff structure supports it or not.

Implementing Small Groups for Kids & Students With Gina McClain

Kids and students need a place to belong and a leader who believes in them. How can your ministry transition to small groups or make the most of your current small group strategy? Gina will give some insight and practical ideas for this important strategic shift.

<p align="center" style="font-size:42px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">BONUS VIDEOS!</p>


What are the top 3 boosts that helped these leaders experience growth in their area of ministry?

We asked ministry leaders about their top 3 boosts, their best 3 ideas, related to the specific ministries and contexts where they lead. Register now and you'll get access to these videos as a bonus along with the event replay.


Preschool Ministry

with Erin English


Middle School Ministry

with Matt Heer


NextGen Pastors

with John Huber


Multisite Children's Ministry

with Gina McClain


Church Plant Family Ministry

with Rachel Walker


Family/Church Integration

with Nina Schmidgall


Elementary Ministry

with Andrae Jones

High School Ministry

with Shane Sanchez


Church Systems

with Lenny Moore


Children's Environments

with Lisa Molite


Small Church Family Ministry

with Kelly Stockdale


Multisite Student Ministry

with Dustin Aagaard

<p align="center" style="font-size:42px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">REGISTER NOW</p>
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<p align="center" style="font-size:42px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">FAQs</p>
What do I need to do in order to watch?

After you register, you'll be sent a link where you can watch the video right on our site here (embedded YouTube video).

What is Ministry Boost?

Ministry Boost is an organization committed to help train, coach, and consult leaders in children's, youth, and nextgen ministries. You can learn more about us here.

<p align="center" style="font-size:42px; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold;">GIVEAWAYS!</p>

MinistryBoostIpadEvery great event needs free stuff, right?


We're giving away over $2000 worth of prizes, including:

  • FREE iPad – $329
  • FREE Orange Conference 2019 Ticket – $299
  • FREE Access to the Volunteer Playbook Course – $150
  • FREE Orange Tour 2018 Ticket – $99
  • FREE Access to the Implementing a Coaching Structure Group Course – $300
  • FREE National Youth Workers Convention 2018 Ticket – $249
  • TrainedUp 50% Off for LIFE!


After you register, you can get even more entries
to win by following and sharing Ministry Boost:
