volunteer recruiting Coaching
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- Coaching from a veteran ministry leader coach
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- Proven ministry principles and practices
- Curated content you can apply to your ministry
- Ongoing access via email/text/calls

Without an effective volunteer recruiting strategy, churches can struggle to build healthy, thriving ministries.

When a church staff works together using a proven framework, you can recruit the volunteers your church needs.
Apply the Volunteer Recruiting 5-Part Framework to Your Church

How Much is a Volunteer Shortage Holding You Back?
Most churches need to recruit more volunteers, and if they don't…
- Visitors don't have the best experience
- Staff become doers and not leaders
- There's less time to work on the ministry
- More paid staff are needed, which is hard on the budget
- 20% of the people do 80% of the serving
- Committed volunteers end up quitting
- New initiatives never get off the ground
- Prospective volunteers are scared away because of the lack of support
Learn and apply the 5-Part Framework to finally recruit the volunteers you need
A Proven Strategy
The 5-Part Volunteer Recruiting Framework has been taught to church staff teams and church leaders at conferences, helping them grow their volunteer teams, which grows their church.

Schedule a Free Coaching Interest Call
Click the button below to schedule a free 30-minute call to learn about Volunteer Recruiting Coaching with Ministry Boost including the cost, the commitment, the process, and if it's a fit for you and your ministry.
Email us at info@ministryboost.org about any questions you might have.