About Bethel World Outreach Church
Bethel is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, non-denominational church that has always put a high value on what they call the “3 D’s” (Devotion, Diversity, and Discipleship) as well as reaching the next generation. Outreach is more than simply part of the church name. It truly is a large part of who Bethel is.
Position Description
This role gives leadership and direction to the student ministry (grades 7-12) and their families. The Student Pastor will come alongside parents, students, and volunteers to provide spiritual direction and Biblical counsel. He or she must be a recruiter and an equipper of people. The pastor will need to resource parents to support them as parents disciple their students.
Key Responsibilities
- Create Gospel-centered, pleasant, loving, and inviting services for high-school students
- Prepare age-appropriate and relevant sermons for various youth services
- Oversee volunteer and parent communication
- Execute compelling and excellent Winter and Summer camps for students
- Lead various student outreaches and evangelistic efforts
- Be in active discipleship relationships with students and oversee the management of
volunteer and student-led discipleship groups
What a Strong Candidate Would Look Like
- A pastor/shepherd to parents, students, and volunteers who can provide spiritual direction and Biblical counsel.
- A team builder to recruit, develop and lead a full, effective volunteer team for the student ministry.
- An equipper to collaborate with parents to support and equip them as they lead their students to know and follow Jesus.
- A heart for diversity with an openness to learning.
What's Exciting About This Opportunity
I love a church that reflects the diversity of the Kingdom of God and Bethel is definitely that. Bethel also understands that God is active and working in the lives of kids and students right now and wants to have ministries that facilitate that work.